Wednesday, September 13, 2023
Dear Mary - About 11 hours ago, your brother Michael called to tell me the sad news, on your passing. I hope you are finally at peace and out of your pain. The first half of your life was pretty charmed. Unfortunately, some things didn't turn out like you had hoped and planned, for your life. Through the ensuing years, you had a hard time accepting these changes. It became harder and harder for you to move forward and you spent your time living in the past and clinging to the memories of your glory days and happier times. Physically, you had medical issues. Those close to you know that you suffered from untreated mental illnesses, as well. Many of us tried to help you, but you just weren't able or willing to help yourself. As for the few of us who remained in your life, we realized your personal struggles were beyond our control and all we could do was listen. Any advice fell on deaf ears. Any efforts to help were moot. When we were young, you were the neighborhood girl to fear! From a very young age, this was part of your identity. When we were four years old, I was afraid of you! That all changed our first day of kindergarten. We were all brave little five year olds, as our mothers were leaving us behind, in that classroom... all of us, except you. There you were, crying like I had never seen anyone cry before. Admittedly, I secretly smiled at the discovery you were the weakest one. I was never afraid of you, again! If there's life after death, have fun reuniting with your mom. She cared for you, from that first traumatic day of school, to protecting you the best way she knew how, in your adult years. I understood how much you suffered losing her, having already lost my mother. Then, there's your dad and Lisa, along with all your other family and friends, too many to mention. And I know you'll be looking for David.❤️Be at peace, my lifelong friend. Maureen