Wednesday, October 9, 2019
To my Grammy Rita...soft spoken yet outspoken. The ring leader of the Carriere clan. A don't mess with my family type of woman...who was blessed with and gave decades of love to her friends and family and yet endured many a heart breaking loss. A woman who set the bar in displaying strength and resilience that taught me many life lessons. Where to begin?...the annual trips to the Berlin Fair, the excitation that would overcome me days before a sleepover at her wonderful home, the best homemade iced tea on earth, turning me on to fried egg sandwiches and real homefries cause it definitely wasn't Granpa Norman's sardines and Ritz crackers. A woman that wanted the world only to give it to her family. A graceful woman who learned how to start living way before it all had passed her by...a smile above all all others that changed the worst of frowns and a non-stop laugh that can only be described as something Spiritual that I swear vibrated the Universe itself. My dearest Grammy Rita, I know in my heart that you are now hand in hand with the man of your dreams sitting peacefully watching Patty and Debbie play.