Monday, July 30, 2018
We have always been a tight knit family and I'm so glad we still are so many years into the making. Growing up family would run into each other in the stores or schools or the doctor's and I cherished that but still it was best to "go over for a quick visit" to one house or another. Five minutes? Five hours? It was the same because once we were in each others company no one wanted to leave. There was always laughter. IT WAS MUSIC! At bigger gatherings Grandma and her children would make a steady stream of laughter. So much so kids would stop playing to go and listen to it. It was such a comfort. One voice of Iola's children was missing. Alice! When's Alice's next trip down? There was so much anticipation for weeks leading up to it. Everybody loved Aunt Alice. Everybody loved Aunt Alice week. It was the best because it meant Aunt Alice was coming with all of her crew. That meant all of the cousins altogether all week. Highlight of the Summer! A week long celebration. Day and night. When Aunt Alice made it down and added her voice, the concert of laughter was complete. Never a finer sound to the human ear then the love and laughter those Richards girls and Uncle Bill made together. I'm so grateful for those times we had with Aunt Alice!!! She will be missed.